Students from 5/4I and 6/5L were so deeply engrossed in their reading today they didn't notice me snapping a few photos of them displaying fantastic reading stamina.
We are learning to self-assess our reading behaviour this term based on criteria such as selection strategies, reading stamina, and borrowing for the PRC.
Students reflected using the stem...
'Today when I was reading I caught myself...'
'Reading the blurb to see if the book was of interest to me'
'Re-reading because I got to the end of the page and didn't know how I got there!'
'Doing the 5 finger test to see if the book was at the right level.'
What else have you caught yourself doing as you read?
Here are a few prompts to get you thinking...
Stopping to make a prediction
Making a connection; to self; to text; to world
Asking 'I wonder' questions
Imagining myself in the book
Skimming, scanning.