Are you looking to improve your number skills? Try these maths challenges. Can you answer 20 questions in one minute?
No log in is required. Just click on the picture to get started.
I'll put this on the maths page as well.
Good luck!
Mrs Clift
Hi kids,
Are you looking to improve your number skills? Try these maths challenges. Can you answer 20 questions in one minute? No log in is required. Just click on the picture to get started. I'll put this on the maths page as well. Good luck! Mrs Clift
Hi Auburn North,
Have you tried Budd:e? Budd:e is a fun way to learn about internet safety. Click on the Demo button to give Budd:e a try. It doesn't require a log in. The aim is to build your own cybersecure Budd:e by completing cybersecurity challenges. As you complete each challenge you earn different parts for your Budd:e (head, arms, legs). The challenges include: Cybersecurity Basics- Nice v's need. Public v's Private- What is ok to post online? Who R U? -Cyber secure names. Password Power- Creating powerful passwords. Blocker -What is safe to put on your computer? Scams- How people try to trick you online. Are you tempted? Mine or Yours? -What's ok to use online? Security Detective- How to spot a secure website. The final challenge is for you to do with your family at home. If you create a log in you can save your Budd:e and continue working on the challenges over a number of days. For stage 2 students, click on the resume button to continue creating your Cybersecure Budd:e. Good luck! Mrs Clift Hi Auburn North,
So you think you are cybersmart? Click on the picture above to take the quiz. There are 11 questions. Don't worry if you don't get it the first time, you can give it another try! In fact you can have as many tries as you like. Good luck! Mrs Clift Hi Auburn North,
Have you seen the new recycling station at the top of F block? Mrs Kalic and Miss Ireland have started a recycling station for students and teachers to reuse and recycle everyday items. Already, students have reused egg cartons, wool, scrap coloured paper, plastic bags, water bottles, wrapping paper, cards, scrap material, bottle caps and meat trays for constructing 'eco friendly houses', for art and craft and for measuring devices. Students are encouraged to bring everyday items from home to the recycling station. Make sure materials are clean and bottles are washed. Well done to students and teachers for doing their bit for the environment. Hi Auburn North,
Check out the photos of today's exciting event. The students did a great job talking about their favourite authors and books. Deb Abela, Jeannie Baker, Justin D'Ath, Jonothan Harlen, Emily Rodda, Andy Griffiths , Akira Toriyama, R.L. Stine, Roald Dahl and Margaret Ryan were hot favourites of Auburn North students. Congratulations boys and girls. We can't wait to see you on TV! Keep reading! Mrs Clift |
AuthorI am the Teacher Librarian at Auburn North Public School and facilitate the Auburn North Curriculum Learning and Innovation Centre (ANCLIC) Categories
June 2015
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